SmartEdit Integration

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Note: This feature is introduced with version 1.0 of the Spartacus libraries.

Table of Contents


For Spartacus to work with SmartEdit, you need SAP Commerce Cloud 1905 (or newer) with the spartacussampledata installed.

Configuring SmartEdit to Work With a Spartacus Storefront

The SmartEdit feature library is introduced with version 3.2 of the Spartacus libraries. If you are using version 3.2 or newer of the Spartacus libraries, see Configuring SmartEdit to work with Spartacus 3.2 or Newer. If you are using version 3.1 or older of the Spartacus libraries, see Configuring SmartEdit to work with Spartacus 3.1 or Older.

Configuring SmartEdit to Work With Spartacus 3.2 or Newer

The following steps are for configuring SmartEdit to work using the SmartEdit feature library.

  1. Build your Angular app, adding Spartacus libraries as normal.

    If you are using schematics to build your app, you have the option to install the SmartEdit library at the same time as the core libraries. For more information, see Building the Spartacus Storefront From Libraries.

  2. If you did not install the SmartEdit feature library in the previous step, make sure the app is working before continuing. You can then install the SmartEdit library by running the following schematics command:

    ng add @spartacus/smartedit

    If you install the SmartEdit library manually (that is, without schematics), then you also need to either copy the webApplicationInjector.js file from node_modules/@spartacus/smartedit/assets to your application’s asset folder, or else add node_modules/@spartacus/smartedit/assets into the assets array in angular.json, as shown in the following example:

       "glob": "**/*",
       "input": "node_modules/@spartacus/smartedit/assets",
       "output": "assets/"
  3. Update the SmartEdit configuration in your application if you want to replace the default values, which are shown in the following example:

    export const defaultSmartEditConfig: SmartEditConfig = {
       smartEdit: {
          storefrontPreviewRoute: 'cx-preview',
          allowOrigin: 'localhost:9002',

    If you want to change the value of storefrontPreviewRoute or allowOrigin, you can replace the default configuration by adding the following to your application:

       smartEdit: {
         storefrontPreviewRoute: 'your-preview-route-value',
         allowOrigin: 'your-origin',
  4. Ensure that the WCMS Cockpit Preview URL is set correctly by carrying out the following steps:

    • In Backoffice, in WCMS > Website > your site, click the WCMS Properties tab.
    • Set the WCMS Cockpit Preview URL to match your Spartacus web site. (SmartEdit opens the preview URL in its iframe.)
  5. Ensure that the Spartacus site is allowlisted in SmartEdit. The following is one example of how you can do this:

    • Sign in to SmartEdit as the admin user.

    • Click the Settings icon in the top right.

    • In the Configuration Editor, scroll down to whiteListedStorefronts and add the exact URL of your Spartacus storefront. For this example, it is ["https://localhost:4200"].

    For more information, see Adding Storefronts to the Allowlist of Permitted Domains in the Configuration Editor on the SAP Help Portal.

  6. Start your Angular app in SSL mode, as follows:

    yarn start --ssl

    By starting your app in SSL mode, you avoid an unsafe scripting message from the browser.

    Note: If you start your application without using SSL mode, the two references to https://localhost:4200 must be changed to http://localhost:4200.

Configuring SmartEdit to Work With Spartacus 3.1 or Older

The following steps are for configuring SmartEdit to work without the SmartEdit feature library.

  1. Build your Angular app, adding Spartacus libraries as normal.

    Make sure the app is working before continuing. For more information, see Building the Spartacus Storefront From Libraries.

  2. Copy the webApplicationInjector.js SmartEdit file to the src folder of your Angular app.

    This file can be found in your SAP Commerce Cloud installation in the following folder:

  3. In the root folder of your Angular app, edit the angular.json file by adding src/webApplicationInjector.js to architect > build > option > assets. The following is an example:

    "architect": {
    "build": {
    "builder": "@angular-devk  build-angular:browser",
    "options": {
       "outputPath": "dist/mystore",
       "index": "src/index.html",
       "main": "src/main.ts",
        "polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
        "tsConfig": "src/",
       "assets": [
  4. In the HEAD section of src/index.html, add the following line:

    <script id="smartedit-injector"src="webApplicationInjector.js"data-smartedit-allow-origin="localhost:9002"><script>

    Replace localhost:9002 with the domain of your server.

    This line tells SmartEdit that Spartacus is allowed to be edited by SmartEdit.

  5. Ensure that the WCMS Cockpit Preview URL is set correctly by carrying out the following steps:

    • In Backoffice, in WCMS > Website > your site, click the WCMS Properties tab.
    • Set the WCMS Cockpit Preview URL to match your Spartacus web site. (SmartEdit opens the preview URL in its iframe.)
  6. Ensure that the Spartacus site is allowlisted in SmartEdit. The following is one example of how you can do this:

    • Sign in to SmartEdit as the admin user.

    • Click the Settings icon in the top right.

    • In the Configuration Editor, scroll down to whiteListedStorefronts and add the exact URL of your Spartacus storefront. For this example, it is ["https://localhost:4200"].

    For more information, see Adding Storefronts to the Allowlist of Permitted Domains in the Configuration Editor on the SAP Help Portal.

  7. Start your Angular app in SSL mode, as follows:

    yarn start --ssl

    By starting your app in SSL mode, you avoid an unsafe scripting message from the browser.

    Note: If you start your application without using SSL mode, the two references to https://localhost:4200 must be changed to http://localhost:4200.


When you are in SmartEdit, if you have not opened any actual Spartacus pages (such as the Homepage), then any issues you might encounter are not caused by Spartacus. For example, on the Your Site page, Spartacus is not actually opened on this page. If you see an issues (such as the site list not containing any base sites), please open a SNOW support ticket with the component set to SmartEdit.

The Perspective Toolbar is Missing

The perspective toolbar will be missing if webApplicationInjector.js is not loaded. Please see the procedures above for information on how to copy and set webApplicationInjector.js.

The following example shows the perspective toolbar not appearing when webApplicationInjector.js is not loaded.


The Preview URL Does Not Match Your Website URL

SmartEdit opens the previewUrl in its iframe. You can open the previewUrl in a browser to see whether it works. Although it is recommended to start the app in SSL mode, you are not required to do so. You only need to make sure that the preview URL matches your site URL.

The Page is Not Refreshed When You Add, Edit, or Remove Components

When you add, edit, or remove components, the CMS page data is reloaded. If the page does not refresh, it may be caused by the caching in OCC.

You can verify this by opening the Network tab in your browser (right-click > Inspect), and then editing a component. When you do this, you should see a new request to load CMS page data. Check the response of this request to see whether the edited component data is updated.

If only some operations do not make the page refresh (for example, editing a component causes the page to refresh, but updating an image does not cause the page to refresh), then try downloading the latest webApplicationInjector.js from the latest patch release of SAP Commerce Cloud and replace the one in your application’s asset folder.

Error Message: Not Allowed to Override This Storefront

If you see an error message that says ... is not allowed to override this storefront., it means allowOrigin is not set correctly. Please see the procedures above for information on how to set allowOrigin.


  • The value of the allow-origin query parameter is a comma-separated list of domains. The following is an example:

     allowOrigin: 'localhost:7000,, *.x.y'
  • You must specify a port.

  • You can use an asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard. When using a wildcard, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • The host must contain at least two subdomains, such as *.x.y.
    • The wildcard can only replace one subdomain. It cannot replace a period ( . ).

Your Website is Not in the SmartEdit Allowlist

If you see an error message that says disallowed storefront is trying to communicate with smarteditcontainer, it means your storefront is not in the SmartEdit allowlist. Please see the procedures above for information on how to add you site to the SmartEdit allowlist.

The SmartEdit Slot Contextual Menu is Missing

For information on how to resolve this issue, see Spartacus GitHub issue #845.